Setting up the environment

Depending on what part of the project you plan on contributing to, there are a couple of tools to install and commands to be familiar with. This section should be up to date with current project practices (as of 2024-04-15).


There are a few commands you will want to run prior to any commit for a non-draft PR:

  1. cargo fmt --all will run rustfmt on all files in the project.
  2. cargo clippy --fix will run Clippy and fix any coding issues it can. Clippy necessitates to be in a clean Git state, but this can be circumvented by adding the --allow-dirty flag.
  3. cargo xtask run-checks all is a script located in the project root that builds and tests the project. It is required to run successfully prior to merging a PR. Fair warning, running these tests can take a while1.

Updating the burn semver version

If for some reason you need to bump for the next version (though that should probably be left to the maintainers), edit the semantic version number in burn/Cargo.toml, and then run cargo update to update the lock file.

Contributing to either the Burn Book or Contributor Book

Both the Burn Book and the Contributor Book are built with mdbook. To open the book locally, run mdbook serve <path/to/book> or cargo xtask books {burn|contributor} open which will install and use mdbook automatically.

Alternatively, if you want to install mdbook directly, run the following command2:

cargo install mdbook

Also instead of running cargo xtask run-checks all, you can run cargo xtask run-checks typos to only check for misspellings. This will install typo, and if any are encountered you should be able to run typo -w /path/to/book to fix them.


If your system is running into issues with memory and you are on linux, you may want to switch to a virtual console to run the tests. To do this, press ctrl+alt+f3 to switch to a virtual console (and log in), and either ctrl+alt+f1 or ctrl+alt+f2 to switch back to your graphical session.


You might also want to install cargo-update to easily keep your tools up to date, though it is in no way required.