
When writing scientific code, you normally have a lot of values that are set, and Deep Learning is no exception. Python has the possibility to define default parameters for functions, which helps improve the developer experience. However, this has the downside of potentially breaking your code when upgrading to a new version, as the default values might change without your knowledge, making debugging very challenging.

With that in mind, we came up with the Config system. It's a simple Rust derive that you can apply to your types, allowing you to define default values with ease. Additionally, all configs can be serialized, reducing potential bugs when upgrading versions and improving reproducibility.

use burn::config::Config;

pub struct MyModuleConfig {
    d_model: usize,
    d_ff: usize,
    #[config(default = 0.1)]
    dropout: f64,

The derive also adds useful with_ methods for every attribute of your config, similar to a builder pattern, along with a save method.

fn main() {
    let config = MyModuleConfig::new(512, 2048);
    println!("{}", config.d_model); // 512
    println!("{}", config.d_ff); // 2048
    println!("{}", config.dropout); // 0.1
    let config =  config.with_dropout(0.2);
    println!("{}", config.dropout); // 0.2"config.json").unwrap();

Good practices

By using the config type it is easy to create new module instances. The initialization method should be implemented on the config type with the device as argument.

impl MyModuleConfig {
    /// Create a module on the given device.
    pub fn init<B: Backend>(&self, device: &B::Device) -> MyModule {
        MyModule {
            linear: LinearConfig::new(self.d_model, self.d_ff).init(device),
            dropout: DropoutConfig::new(self.dropout).init(),

Then we could add this line to the above main:

use burn::backend::Wgpu;
let device = Default::default();
let my_module = config.init::<Wgpu>(&device);