When working with the learner, you have the option to record metrics that will be monitored throughout the training process. We currently offer a restricted range of metrics.
Metric | Description |
Accuracy | Calculate the accuracy in percentage |
TopKAccuracy | Calculate the top-k accuracy in percentage |
Precision | Calculate precision in percentage |
Recall | Calculate recall in percentage |
FBetaScore | Calculate Fβ score in percentage |
AUROC | Calculate the area under curve of ROC in percentage |
Loss | Output the loss used for the backward pass |
CPU Temperature | Fetch the temperature of CPUs |
CPU Usage | Fetch the CPU utilization |
CPU Memory Usage | Fetch the CPU RAM usage |
GPU Temperature | Fetch the GPU temperature |
Learning Rate | Fetch the current learning rate for each optimizer step |
CUDA | Fetch general CUDA metrics such as utilization |
In order to use a metric, the output of your training step has to implement the Adaptor
trait from
. Here is an example for the classification output, already provided with the
/// Simple classification output adapted for multiple metrics.
pub struct ClassificationOutput<B: Backend> {
/// The loss.
pub loss: Tensor<B, 1>,
/// The output.
pub output: Tensor<B, 2>,
/// The targets.
pub targets: Tensor<B, 1, Int>,
impl<B: Backend> Adaptor<AccuracyInput<B>> for ClassificationOutput<B> {
fn adapt(&self) -> AccuracyInput<B> {
AccuracyInput::new(self.output.clone(), self.targets.clone())
impl<B: Backend> Adaptor<LossInput<B>> for ClassificationOutput<B> {
fn adapt(&self) -> LossInput<B> {
Custom Metric
Generating your own custom metrics is done by implementing the Metric
/// Metric trait.
/// Implementations should define their own input type only used by the metric.
/// This is important since some conflict may happen when the model output is adapted for each
/// metric's input type.
/// The only exception is for metrics that don't need any input, setting the associated type
/// to the null type `()`.
pub trait Metric: Send + Sync {
/// The input type of the metric.
type Input;
/// Updates the metric state and returns the current metric entry.
fn update(&mut self, item: &Self::Input, metadata: &MetricMetadata) -> MetricEntry;
/// Clear the metric state.
fn clear(&mut self);
As an example, let's see how the loss metric is implemented.
/// The loss metric.
pub struct LossMetric<B: Backend> {
state: NumericMetricState,
_b: B,
/// The loss metric input type.
pub struct LossInput<B: Backend> {
tensor: Tensor<B, 1>,
impl<B: Backend> Metric for LossMetric<B> {
type Input = LossInput<B>;
fn update(&mut self, loss: &Self::Input, _metadata: &MetricMetadata) -> MetricEntry {
let loss = loss.tensor.clone().mean().into_scalar().elem::<f64>();
.update(loss, 1, FormatOptions::new("Loss").precision(2))
fn clear(&mut self) {
When the metric you are implementing is numeric in nature, you may want to also implement the
trait. This will allow your metric to be plotted.
impl<B: Backend> Numeric for LossMetric<B> {
fn value(&self) -> f64 {