As previously explained in the model section, the Tensor struct has 3 generic arguments: the backend B, the dimensionality D, and the data type.
Tensor<B, D> // Float tensor (default)
Tensor<B, D, Float> // Explicit float tensor
Tensor<B, D, Int> // Int tensor
Tensor<B, D, Bool> // Bool tensor
Note that the specific element types used for Float
, Int
, and Bool
tensors are defined by
backend implementations.
Burn Tensors are defined by the number of dimensions D in its declaration as opposed to its shape. The actual shape of the tensor is inferred from its initialization. For example, a Tensor of size (5,) is initialized as below:
let floats = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
// Get the default device
let device = Default::default();
// correct: Tensor is 1-Dimensional with 5 elements
let tensor_1 = Tensor::<Backend, 1>::from_floats(floats, &device);
// incorrect: let tensor_1 = Tensor::<Backend, 5>::from_floats(floats, &device);
// this will lead to an error and is for creating a 5-D tensor
Burn Tensors are primarily initialized using the from_data()
method which takes the TensorData
struct as input. The TensorData
struct has two public fields: shape
and dtype
. The value
now stored as bytes, is private but can be accessed via any of the following methods: as_slice
, to_vec
and iter
. To retrieve the data from a tensor, the method .to_data()
should be employed when intending to reuse the tensor afterward. Alternatively, .into_data()
recommended for one-time use. Let's look at a couple of examples for initializing a tensor from
different inputs.
// Initialization from a given Backend (Wgpu)
let tensor_1 = Tensor::<Wgpu, 1>::from_data([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], &device);
// Initialization from a generic Backend
let tensor_2 = Tensor::<Backend, 1>::from_data(TensorData::from([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), &device);
// Initialization using from_floats (Recommended for f32 ElementType)
// Will be converted to TensorData internally.
let tensor_3 = Tensor::<Backend, 1>::from_floats([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], &device);
// Initialization of Int Tensor from array slices
let arr: [i32; 6] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
let tensor_4 = Tensor::<Backend, 1, Int>::from_data(TensorData::from(&arr[0..3]), &device);
// Initialization from a custom type
struct BodyMetrics {
age: i8,
height: i16,
weight: f32
let bmi = BodyMetrics{
age: 25,
height: 180,
weight: 80.0
let data = TensorData::from([bmi.age as f32, bmi.height as f32, bmi.weight]);
let tensor_5 = Tensor::<Backend, 1>::from_data(data, &device);
Ownership and Cloning
Almost all Burn operations take ownership of the input tensors. Therefore, reusing a tensor multiple times will necessitate cloning it. Let's look at an example to understand the ownership rules and cloning better. Suppose we want to do a simple min-max normalization of an input tensor.
let input = Tensor::<Wgpu, 1>::from_floats([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], &device);
let min = input.min();
let max = input.max();
let input = (input - min).div(max - min);
With PyTorch tensors, the above code would work as expected. However, Rust's strict ownership rules
will give an error and prevent using the input tensor after the first .min()
operation. The
ownership of the input tensor is transferred to the variable min
and the input tensor is no longer
available for further operations. Burn Tensors like most complex primitives do not implement the
trait and therefore have to be cloned explicitly. Now let's rewrite a working example of
doing min-max normalization with cloning.
let input = Tensor::<Wgpu, 1>::from_floats([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0], &device);
let min = input.clone().min();
let max = input.clone().max();
let input = (input.clone() - min.clone()).div(max - min);
println!("{}", input.to_data());// Success: [0.0, 0.33333334, 0.6666667, 1.0]
// Notice that max, min have been moved in last operation so
// the below print will give an error.
// If we want to use them for further operations,
// they will need to be cloned in similar fashion.
// println!("{:?}", min.to_data());
We don't need to be worried about memory overhead because with cloning, the tensor's buffer isn't copied, and only a reference to it is increased. This makes it possible to determine exactly how many times a tensor is used, which is very convenient for reusing tensor buffers or even fusing operations into a single kernel (burn-fusion). For that reason, we don't provide explicit inplace operations. If a tensor is used only one time, inplace operations will always be used when available.
Tensor Operations
Normally with PyTorch, explicit inplace operations aren't supported during the backward pass, making them useful only for data preprocessing or inference-only model implementations. With Burn, you can focus more on what the model should do, rather than on how to do it. We take the responsibility of making your code run as fast as possible during training as well as inference. The same principles apply to broadcasting; all operations support broadcasting unless specified otherwise.
Here, we provide a list of all supported operations along with their PyTorch equivalents. Note that for the sake of simplicity, we ignore type signatures. For more details, refer to the full documentation.
Basic Operations
Those operations are available for all tensor kinds: Int
, Float
, and Bool
Burn | PyTorch Equivalent |
Tensor::cat(tensors, dim) | torch.cat(tensors, dim) |
Tensor::empty(shape, device) | torch.empty(shape, device=device) |
Tensor::from_primitive(primitive) | N/A |
Tensor::stack(tensors, dim) | torch.stack(tensors, dim) |
tensor.all() | tensor.all() |
tensor.all_dim(dim) | tensor.all(dim) |
tensor.any() | tensor.any() |
tensor.any_dim(dim) | tensor.any(dim) |
tensor.chunk(num_chunks, dim) | tensor.chunk(num_chunks, dim) |
tensor.split(split_size, dim) | tensor.split(split_size, dim) |
tensor.split_with_sizes(split_sizes, dim) | tensor.split([split_sizes], dim) |
tensor.device() | tensor.device |
tensor.dtype() | tensor.dtype |
tensor.dims() | tensor.size() |
tensor.equal(other) | x == y |
tensor.expand(shape) | tensor.expand(shape) |
tensor.flatten(start_dim, end_dim) | tensor.flatten(start_dim, end_dim) |
tensor.flip(axes) | tensor.flip(axes) |
tensor.into_data() | N/A |
tensor.into_primitive() | N/A |
tensor.into_scalar() | tensor.item() |
tensor.narrow(dim, start, length) | tensor.narrow(dim, start, length) |
tensor.not_equal(other) | x != y |
tensor.permute(axes) | tensor.permute(axes) |
tensor.movedim(src, dst) | tensor.movedim(src, dst) |
tensor.repeat_dim(dim, times) | tensor.repeat(*[times if i == dim else 1 for i in range(tensor.dim())]) |
tensor.repeat(sizes) | tensor.repeat(sizes) |
tensor.reshape(shape) | tensor.view(shape) |
tensor.shape() | tensor.shape |
tensor.slice(ranges) | tensor[(*ranges,)] |
tensor.slice_assign(ranges, values) | tensor[(*ranges,)] = values |
tensor.squeeze(dim) | tensor.squeeze(dim) |
tensor.swap_dims(dim1, dim2) | tensor.transpose(dim1, dim2) |
tensor.to_data() | N/A |
tensor.to_device(device) | tensor.to(device) |
tensor.transpose() | tensor.T |
tensor.unsqueeze() | tensor.unsqueeze(0) |
tensor.unsqueeze_dim(dim) | tensor.unsqueeze(dim) |
tensor.unsqueeze_dims(dims) | N/A |
Numeric Operations
Those operations are available for numeric tensor kinds: Float
and Int
Burn | PyTorch Equivalent |
Tensor::eye(size, device) | torch.eye(size, device=device) |
Tensor::full(shape, fill_value, device) | torch.full(shape, fill_value, device=device) |
Tensor::ones(shape, device) | torch.ones(shape, device=device) |
Tensor::zeros(shape, device) | torch.zeros(shape, device=device) |
tensor.abs() | torch.abs(tensor) |
tensor.add(other) or tensor + other | tensor + other |
tensor.add_scalar(scalar) or tensor + scalar | tensor + scalar |
tensor.all_close(other, atol, rtol) | torch.allclose(tensor, other, atol, rtol) |
tensor.argmax(dim) | tensor.argmax(dim) |
tensor.argmin(dim) | tensor.argmin(dim) |
tensor.argsort(dim) | tensor.argsort(dim) |
tensor.argsort_descending(dim) | tensor.argsort(dim, descending=True) |
tensor.bool() | tensor.bool() |
tensor.clamp(min, max) | torch.clamp(tensor, min=min, max=max) |
tensor.clamp_max(max) | torch.clamp(tensor, max=max) |
tensor.clamp_min(min) | torch.clamp(tensor, min=min) |
tensor.contains_nan() | N/A |
tensor.div(other) or tensor / other | tensor / other |
tensor.div_scalar(scalar) or tensor / scalar | tensor / scalar |
tensor.equal_elem(other) | tensor.eq(other) |
tensor.full_like(fill_value) | `torch.full_like(tensor, fill_value) |
tensor.gather(dim, indices) | torch.gather(tensor, dim, indices) |
tensor.greater(other) | tensor.gt(other) |
tensor.greater_elem(scalar) | tensor.gt(scalar) |
tensor.greater_equal(other) | tensor.ge(other) |
tensor.greater_equal_elem(scalar) | tensor.ge(scalar) |
tensor.is_close(other, atol, rtol) | torch.isclose(tensor, other, atol, rtol) |
tensor.is_nan() | torch.isnan(tensor) |
tensor.lower(other) | tensor.lt(other) |
tensor.lower_elem(scalar) | tensor.lt(scalar) |
tensor.lower_equal(other) | tensor.le(other) |
tensor.lower_equal_elem(scalar) | tensor.le(scalar) |
tensor.mask_fill(mask, value) | tensor.masked_fill(mask, value) |
tensor.mask_where(mask, value_tensor) | torch.where(mask, value_tensor, tensor) |
tensor.max() | tensor.max() |
tensor.max_dim(dim) | tensor.max(dim, keepdim=True) |
tensor.max_dim_with_indices(dim) | N/A |
tensor.max_pair(other) | torch.Tensor.max(a,b) |
tensor.mean() | tensor.mean() |
tensor.mean_dim(dim) | tensor.mean(dim, keepdim=True) |
tensor.min() | tensor.min() |
tensor.min_dim(dim) | tensor.min(dim, keepdim=True) |
tensor.min_dim_with_indices(dim) | N/A |
tensor.min_pair(other) | torch.Tensor.min(a,b) |
tensor.mul(other) or tensor * other | tensor * other |
tensor.mul_scalar(scalar) or tensor * scalar | tensor * scalar |
tensor.neg() or -tensor | -tensor |
tensor.not_equal_elem(scalar) | tensor.ne(scalar) |
tensor.ones_like() | torch.ones_like(tensor) |
tensor.pad(pads, value) | torch.nn.functional.pad(input, pad, value) |
tensor.powf(other) or tensor.powi(intother) | tensor.pow(other) |
tensor.powf_scalar(scalar) or tensor.powi_scalar(intscalar) | tensor.pow(scalar) |
tensor.prod() | tensor.prod() |
tensor.prod_dim(dim) | tensor.prod(dim, keepdim=True) |
tensor.rem(other) or tensor % other | tensor % other |
tensor.scatter(dim, indices, values) | tensor.scatter_add(dim, indices, values) |
tensor.select(dim, indices) | tensor.index_select(dim, indices) |
tensor.select_assign(dim, indices, values) | N/A |
tensor.sign() | tensor.sign() |
tensor.sort(dim) | tensor.sort(dim).values |
tensor.sort_descending(dim) | tensor.sort(dim, descending=True).values |
tensor.sort_descending_with_indices(dim) | tensor.sort(dim, descending=True) |
tensor.sort_with_indices(dim) | tensor.sort(dim) |
tensor.sub(other) or tensor - other | tensor - other |
tensor.sub_scalar(scalar) or tensor - scalar | tensor - scalar |
tensor.sum() | tensor.sum() |
tensor.sum_dim(dim) | tensor.sum(dim, keepdim=True) |
tensor.topk(k, dim) | tensor.topk(k, dim).values |
tensor.topk_with_indices(k, dim) | tensor.topk(k, dim) |
tensor.tril(diagonal) | torch.tril(tensor, diagonal) |
tensor.triu(diagonal) | torch.triu(tensor, diagonal) |
tensor.zeros_like() | torch.zeros_like(tensor) |
Float Operations
Those operations are only available for Float
Burn API | PyTorch Equivalent |
Tensor::one_hot(index, num_classes, device) | N/A |
tensor.cast(dtype) | tensor.to(dtype) |
tensor.ceil() | tensor.ceil() |
tensor.cos() | tensor.cos() |
tensor.erf() | tensor.erf() |
tensor.exp() | tensor.exp() |
tensor.floor() | tensor.floor() |
tensor.from_floats(floats, device) | N/A |
tensor.from_full_precision(tensor) | N/A |
tensor.int() | Similar to tensor.to(torch.long) |
tensor.log() | tensor.log() |
tensor.log1p() | tensor.log1p() |
tensor.matmul(other) | tensor.matmul(other) |
tensor.random(shape, distribution, device) | N/A |
tensor.random_like(distribution) | torch.rand_like() only uniform |
tensor.recip() | tensor.reciprocal() |
tensor.round() | tensor.round() |
tensor.sin() | tensor.sin() |
tensor.sqrt() | tensor.sqrt() |
tensor.tanh() | tensor.tanh() |
tensor.to_full_precision() | tensor.to(torch.float) |
tensor.var(dim) | tensor.var(dim) |
tensor.var_bias(dim) | N/A |
tensor.var_mean(dim) | N/A |
tensor.var_mean_bias(dim) | N/A |
Int Operations
Those operations are only available for Int
Burn API | PyTorch Equivalent |
Tensor::arange(5..10, device) | tensor.arange(start=5, end=10, device=device) |
Tensor::arange_step(5..10, 2, device) | tensor.arange(start=5, end=10, step=2, device=device) |
tensor.float() | tensor.to(torch.float) |
tensor.from_ints(ints) | N/A |
tensor.int_random(shape, distribution, device) | N/A |
tensor.cartesian_grid(shape, device) | N/A |
tensor.one_hot(num_classes) | N/A |
Bool Operations
Those operations are only available for Bool
Burn API | PyTorch Equivalent |
Tensor::diag_mask(shape, diagonal) | N/A |
Tensor::tril_mask(shape, diagonal) | N/A |
Tensor::triu_mask(shape, diagonal) | N/A |
tensor.argwhere() | tensor.argwhere() |
tensor.float() | tensor.to(torch.float) |
tensor.int() | tensor.to(torch.long) |
tensor.nonzero() | tensor.nonzero(as_tuple=True) |
tensor.not() | tensor.logical_not() |
Quantization Operations
Those operations are only available for Float
tensors on backends that implement quantization
Burn API | PyTorch Equivalent |
tensor.quantize(scheme, qparams) | N/A |
tensor.dequantize() | N/A |
Activation Functions
Burn API | PyTorch Equivalent |
activation::gelu(tensor) | nn.functional.gelu(tensor) |
`activation::hard_sigmoid(tensor, alpha, beta) | nn.functional.hardsigmoid(tensor) |
activation::leaky_relu(tensor, negative_slope) | nn.functional.leaky_relu(tensor, negative_slope) |
activation::log_sigmoid(tensor) | nn.functional.log_sigmoid(tensor) |
activation::log_softmax(tensor, dim) | nn.functional.log_softmax(tensor, dim) |
activation::mish(tensor) | nn.functional.mish(tensor) |
activation::prelu(tensor,alpha) | nn.functional.prelu(tensor,weight) |
activation::quiet_softmax(tensor, dim) | nn.functional.quiet_softmax(tensor, dim) |
activation::relu(tensor) | nn.functional.relu(tensor) |
activation::sigmoid(tensor) | nn.functional.sigmoid(tensor) |
activation::silu(tensor) | nn.functional.silu(tensor) |
activation::softmax(tensor, dim) | nn.functional.softmax(tensor, dim) |
activation::softmin(tensor, dim) | nn.functional.softmin(tensor, dim) |
activation::softplus(tensor, beta) | nn.functional.softplus(tensor, beta) |
activation::tanh(tensor) | nn.functional.tanh(tensor) |
Displaying Tensor Details
Burn provides flexible options for displaying tensor information, allowing you to control the level of detail and formatting to suit your needs.
Basic Display
To display a detailed view of a tensor, you can simply use Rust's println!
or format!
This will output:
Tensor {
[[0.12345679, 0.12345679, 0.12345679],
[0.12345679, 0.12345679, 0.12345679]],
shape: [2, 3],
device: Cpu,
backend: "ndarray",
kind: "Float",
dtype: "f32",
Controlling Precision
You can control the number of decimal places displayed using Rust's formatting syntax:
Tensor {
[[0.12, 0.12, 0.12],
[0.12, 0.12, 0.12]],
shape: [2, 3],
device: Cpu,
backend: "ndarray",
kind: "Float",
dtype: "f32",
Global Print Options
For more fine-grained control over tensor printing, Burn provides a PrintOptions
struct and a
: Number of decimal places for floating-point numbers (default: None) -
: Maximum number of elements to display before summarizing (default: 1000) -
: Number of items to show at the beginning and end of each dimension when summarizing (default: 3)Checking Tensor Closeness
Burn provides a utility function
to compare two tensors and assess their similarity. This function is particularly useful for debugging and validating tensor operations, especially when working with floating-point arithmetic where small numerical differences can accumulate. It's also valuable when comparing model outputs during the process of importing models from other frameworks, helping to ensure that the imported model produces results consistent with the original.Here's an example of how to use
function compares the two input tensors element-wise, checking their absolute differences against a range of epsilon values. It then prints a detailed report showing the percentage of elements that are within each tolerance level.The output provides a breakdown for different epsilon values, allowing you to assess the closeness of the tensors at various precision levels. This is particularly helpful when dealing with operations that may introduce small numerical discrepancies.
The function uses color-coded output to highlight the results:
- Green [PASS]: All elements are within the specified tolerance.
- Yellow [WARN]: Most elements (90% or more) are within tolerance.
- Red [FAIL]: Significant differences are detected.
This utility can be invaluable when implementing or debugging tensor operations, especially those involving complex mathematical computations or when porting algorithms from other frameworks. It's also an essential tool when verifying the accuracy of imported models, ensuring that the Burn implementation produces results that closely match those of the original model.