Trait burn::module::ModuleDisplay

pub trait ModuleDisplay: ModuleDisplayDefault {
    // Provided methods
    fn format(&self, passed_settings: DisplaySettings) -> String { ... }
    fn custom_settings(&self) -> Option<DisplaySettings> { ... }
    fn custom_content(&self, _content: Content) -> Option<Content> { ... }
Expand description

Trait to implement custom display settings for a module.

In order to implement custom display settings for a module,

  1. Add #[module(custom_display)] attribute to the module struct after #[derive(Module)]
  2. Implement ModuleDisplay trait for the module

Provided Methods§

fn format(&self, passed_settings: DisplaySettings) -> String

Formats the module with provided display settings.

  • passed_settings - Display settings passed to the module.

A string representation of the formatted module.

fn custom_settings(&self) -> Option<DisplaySettings>

Custom display settings for the module.


An optional display settings object.

fn custom_content(&self, _content: Content) -> Option<Content>

Custom attributes for the module.

  • _content - The content object that contains display settings and attributes.

An optional content object containing the custom attributes.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl ModuleDisplay for bool


impl ModuleDisplay for f32


impl ModuleDisplay for f64


impl ModuleDisplay for i8


impl ModuleDisplay for i16


impl ModuleDisplay for i32


impl ModuleDisplay for i64


impl ModuleDisplay for str


impl ModuleDisplay for u8


impl ModuleDisplay for u16


impl ModuleDisplay for u32


impl ModuleDisplay for u64


impl ModuleDisplay for usize


impl ModuleDisplay for String


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for PhantomData<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<L0, L1> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1)


impl<L0, L1, L2> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8)


impl<L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9> ModuleDisplay for (L0, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9)


impl<T> ModuleDisplay for Option<T>
where T: ModuleDisplay,


impl<T> ModuleDisplay for Vec<T>
where T: ModuleDisplay,


impl<const N: usize, T> ModuleDisplay for [T; N]
where T: ModuleDisplay,



impl ModuleDisplay for Interpolate1d


impl ModuleDisplay for Interpolate2d


impl ModuleDisplay for HuberLoss


impl ModuleDisplay for MseLoss


impl ModuleDisplay for AdaptiveAvgPool1d


impl ModuleDisplay for AdaptiveAvgPool2d


impl ModuleDisplay for AvgPool1d


impl ModuleDisplay for AvgPool2d


impl ModuleDisplay for MaxPool1d


impl ModuleDisplay for MaxPool2d


impl ModuleDisplay for Dropout


impl ModuleDisplay for Gelu


impl ModuleDisplay for HardSigmoid


impl ModuleDisplay for LeakyRelu


impl ModuleDisplay for Relu


impl ModuleDisplay for Sigmoid


impl ModuleDisplay for Tanh


impl ModuleDisplay for Unfold4d


impl ModuleDisplay for bf16


impl ModuleDisplay for f16


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for MultiHeadAttention<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Conv1d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Conv2d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Conv3d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for ConvTranspose1d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for ConvTranspose2d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for ConvTranspose3d<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Gru<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for BinaryCrossEntropyLoss<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for CrossEntropyLoss<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for BiLstm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Embedding<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for GateController<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for GroupNorm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for InstanceNorm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for LayerNorm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Linear<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for Lstm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for PRelu<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for PositionalEncoding<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for RmsNorm<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for RotaryEncoding<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for SwiGlu<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for PositionWiseFeedForward<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for TransformerDecoder<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for TransformerDecoderLayer<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for TransformerEncoder<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<B> ModuleDisplay for TransformerEncoderLayer<B>
where B: Backend,


impl<T> ModuleDisplay for Ignored<T>
where T: Sync + Send + Debug + Clone,


impl<V> ModuleDisplay for RunningState<V>


impl<const D: usize, B> ModuleDisplay for BatchNorm<B, D>
where B: Backend,


impl<const D: usize, B> ModuleDisplay for Param<Tensor<B, D>>
where B: Backend,


impl<const D: usize, B> ModuleDisplay for Param<Tensor<B, D, Bool>>
where B: Backend,


impl<const D: usize, B> ModuleDisplay for Param<Tensor<B, D, Int>>
where B: Backend,


impl<const D: usize, B, K> ModuleDisplay for Tensor<B, D, K>
where B: Backend, K: BasicOps<B>,