
Module tensor

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Module for the tensor.



  • Automatically applies dequantization -> float operation -> quantization.
  • Macro to implement the element trait for a type.


  • A type-level representation of the kind of a bool tensor.
  • A sort of Box<[u8]> that remembers the original alignment and can contain trailing uninitialized bytes.
  • DataDeprecated
    Data structure for tensors.
  • DataSerializeDeprecated
    Data structure for serializing and deserializing tensor data.
  • Iterator given by (Tensor::iter_dim).
  • Distribution sampler for random value of a tensor.
  • A type-level representation of the kind of a float tensor
  • A type-level representation of the kind of a int tensor.
  • Options for Tensor pretty printing
  • Shape of a tensor.
  • Transpose marker (zero-size type). Used to sugar the transpose of a tensor, e.g.
  • A tensor with a given backend, shape and data type.
  • Data structure for tensors.
  • A transaction can read multiple tensors at once with a single operation improving compute utilization with optimized laziness.
  • A 16-bit floating point type implementing the bfloat16 format.
  • A 16-bit floating point type implementing the IEEE 754-2008 standard binary16 a.k.a “half” format.




  • Returns the indices that sort the elements of the input tensor along a given dimension.
  • Compute the indices of the elements that are non-zero, grouped by element.
  • Generates a cartesian grid for the given tensor shape on the specified device. The generated tensor is of dimension D2 = D + 1, where each element at dimension D contains the cartesian grid coordinates for that element.
  • Checks the closeness of two tensors and prints the results.
  • Split the tensor along the given dimension into chunks.
  • Returns a new tensor with the given dimension narrowed to the given range.
  • Read a future synchronously.
  • Set print options
  • Sort the elements of the input tensor by value along a given dimension.
  • Sort the elements of the input tensor by value along a given dimension.
  • Splits the tensor along the given dimension into equally sized chunks (if possible) with size split_size. Last chunk will be smaller if the tensor size along the given dimension dim is not divisible by split_size.
  • Splits the tensor along the given dimension into chunks with sizes in dim according to split_sizes.
  • Read a future synchronously.

Type Aliases§

  • Device type used by the backend.